An Indiana 'War' with Big Labor

Dave Bego’s three-year battle with SEIU continues to amaze people as they hear about the assault workers come under during a card check forced unionism corporate campaign.  And, Big Labor hopes to expand its ability to bring a card check campaign to your neighborhood just as SEIU organizers used children trick-or-treaters in Bego’s neighborhood. 

This week Examiner columnist Irene Warren wrote:

“It was a nasty, ugly, three-year, million-dollar war. I did not ask for, but had to win. Otherwise, the business I loved would be infiltrated by a scheming labor union determined to undermine employee privacy rights and destroy my version of the American Dream,” Bego argueded. “The full-scale assault I experienced first-hand came from the two million member Service Employee Internationational Union (SEIU), and its president, Andy Stern.

From Bego’s perspective, he and his company was targeted by SEIU and Stern simply because he refused to sign a neutrailty agreement with the union: failing to accept the Card Check certifcation and the Employee Free Choice Act, which to this present day, Bego says denies U.S. workers their rights to form or not to form a union by way of the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) secret ballot election process.

Currently, Bego is working hard to prevent the passing of both the Card Check certification and the Employee Free Choice Act, as he continues to meet with Congressmen and Senators to discuss the alleged drawbacks in passing such measures, especially its impact on American businesses. Among those officials in which Bego has contacted and have received feedback are Senators Richard Lugar (R-IN), Evan Bayh (D-IN), Harry Reid (D-NV), and Arlen Spector (D-PA), and representative Mike Pence (R-IN).

“Congress will move to pass controversial “card check” legislation this year,” explained AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka to The Hill Newspaper writer Michael O’Brien Sunday, January 31, 2010. According to O’Brien, “Trumka said that lawmakers would pass the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), as well as healthcare reform this year, despite Republicans having picked up enough votes in the Senate to sustain a filibuster.”

Despite his opposition, Bego and his supporters are not giving up in their quest to disarm policies in which he believes are a direct threat to “entrepreneurship, free enterprise, and capitalism.” In short, Congress is expected to vote on the measures within the next upcoming months, according to various news sources.

To view a YouTube video about SEIU Exposed, please click on the link below: