More Big Union Power Delivered from Above

Thanks to President Obama organized labor is “gaining momentum.”  

From Bloomberg:  Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. is paying tariffs on imported tires. Free-trade agreements sought by Caterpillar Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. are on hold. Delta Air Lines Inc. flight attendants may join a union.

There’s a common thread running through these developments.  Organized labor is gaining momentum under the Democratic administration of President Barack Obama.

Though reaching their most-publicized goals — legislation making it easier to organize and a government-run health insurance program — remains in doubt, unions are making other gains through executive orders, rule changes and appointments.  More advances may be ahead as regulatory nominees are confirmed.

“You absolutely know something is going to happen to you, you just don’t know when,” said Michael Lotito, a San Francisco attorney at Jackson Lewis LLP who handles labor issues for companies.  “There is going to be a flurry of labor action down the pike.”