September/October 1956 National Right to Work Newsletter Summary

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September/October 1956 National Right to Work Newsletter


TWO QUESTIONS FACE THE VOTERS – –Nevada is unique in that it has no laws (Little Wagner or Taft-Hartley Acts) regulating union activity or curbing abuses of the membership, business or the public, except the Right to Work law, passed in 1952, which simply protects the citizen in his or her right to JOIN or NOT JOIN a labor union.

MINE UNION ACTS AGAINST WILDCAT STRIKES – – The United Mine Workers of America decreed fines and other penalties for members who take part in, or promote, wildcat strikes in the coal fields, at its quadrennial convention held in Cincinnati, Ohio recently. according to report in the Wall Street Journal.

SHADES OF RED RIDING HOOD! – – Employees filed 1,095 unfair labor practice charges against unions in 1955, compared with 872 the previous year

CHECKMATE! ‘TAINT SO– – Committee laid these charges low in the survey, “Do Right to Work Laws Hurt or Help the Economy?”

NEW COMMITTEE ORGANIZED – – Formation of the Morgan County Right to Work Committee was completed in Alabama

UNION FLOUTS THE LAW AND MAKES IT STICK – – National Labor Relations Board Examiner in Washington revealed that freedom suffers from the same dark blot in Texas as it does on the gangster -ridden East river docks of New York.

ARIZONA BUILDERS FOR RIGHT TO WORK – an organization of small independent contractors plans to fight violations of the Arizona right-to-work and anti-picketing laws, as well as the Taft-Hartley law.

SALUTE TO SWIFT & COMPANY – – Despite a 10-day strike of some 25,000 workers against them