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AFL-CIO Deploys 100,000 Volunteers in Turnout Effort for Democrats

Spending over $40 million of forced-union dues to elect Democrats, the AFL-CIO announced Monday that 100,000 union “volunteers” will deploy in battleground states and congressional districts during the four days before the polls close to boost the turnout of likely Democratic voters on Election Day.

“It’s definitely bigger and more intensive than anything we’ve ever done in terms of the final four days of turnout,” said AFL-CIO spokesman Steve Smith. “This year we’re looking at having something bigger and better than we have ever had in the past.”

Union volunteers plan to make 1.75 million workplace contacts, 3.5 million home visits, and 5 million telephone calls during the four-day span according to a statement released by the AFL-CIO.

In Ohio, the site of competitive gubernatorial, Senate, and House races, the union and its allies plan to knock on 280,000 doors and make more than 1 million phone calls.

Smith called the four-day program “the apex of everything we’ve been doing and building for in the past year.”

The AFL-CIO has run a voter identification and targeting program over the past year to educate potential voters and prepare them for the final turnout effort. Union volunteers are expected to contact some of the people targeted by the program as many as 25 times before the program ends, said Karen Ackerman, the AFL-CIO’s political director.

All this to say that “we don’t do politics” or so most union bosses would have you believe.

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