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Iowa State Workers Sacrificed by Big Labor “Compromise”

Stymied by an enormous outpouring of opposition from across the state to their effort to destroy the Right to Work law in Iowa, the State Senate has passed a “compromise” version that “only” eliminates the Right to Work for state workers – forcing them to pay union dues and fees as a condition of employment. As Republican opponents like Senator Pat Ward of West Des Moines pointed out,

. . . [E]ven though the bill only applies to government employees, it will still have a chilling effect on the state’s business climate. “I think this is absolutely devastating to our ability to bring jobs to our state, to bring industry to our state,” Ward says. “Perception is reality and reality is Right-to-Work is gone in Iowa.”

Union bosses in Iowa apparently believe that teachers, police, firefighters and other government employees in Iowa are second class citizens – or perhaps just a convenient source of new revenue.

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