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Obama Labor Secretary Nominee Failed to Report Trips on Union-owned Private Jet

Big Labor’s Hilda Solis flew around in a private labor union-own jet and reportedly failed to report her actions according to Hews Media Group-Community News’ Randy Economy and Brian Hews:

EXCLUSIVE: Former US Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Failed to Report Trips on Private Jet Owned by Powerful Labor Boss During 2009 Confirmation Hearings

Sources close to the case tell HMG-CN that Solis was given transportation on IUOE Local 12′s Cessna Citation XL Jet and that Solis failed to report the in-kind gift to the Federal Election Commission as required under law.

According to the Office of the Clerk U.S. House of Representatives website, no Financial Disclosure Reports have been filed by Solis.

A further examination of Gift and Travel findings on the same website revealed 11 trips taken by Solis, none provided by the IUOE.

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