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Trumka Forms the “Permanent Campaign

Political consultants for the AFL-CIO can be seen smiling all over Washington with the announcement of Boss Richard Trumka’s decision to establish a “permanent campaign” — not to help workers but the lobby and pressure politicians.  This means even more in forced union dues money will end up in the hands of the consultants and politicians.  National Journal has the story:

After several years of deep disappointments, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said America’s largest labor organization is shifting away from blanket campaign spending on Democrats to target “friends,” including President Obama.

“We’re going to put together a permanent campaign structure,” Trumka said Sunday on C-SPAN’s Newsmakers. “I’d say there’s a couple of kind of candidates….there’s real friends, there’s acquaintances and there’s enemies. Acquaintances will probably get less and friends will probably get more help.”

Trumka made it clear that he includes President Obama on that list of labor’s “friends.” Over the past several years, Trumka has often criticized Obama for prioritizing deficit reduction over job creation and failing to advance union-bolstering legislation like the Employee Free Choice Act.”

“Trumka also renewed his call for the resignation of National Labor Relations Board member Terence Flynn, who has been accused of funneling private information to Romney campaign staff.

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