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Big Labor-Activist Pushed for DOL

Former Rep. David Bonior — perhaps the union bosses’ best friend while he served in Congress — is pushing President-elect Obama to pick union activist Mary Beth Maxwell as his Labor Secretary.

Maxwell, of course, has a long history of support for forced unionism and coercive-dues schemes which harm American workers.

Bonior has also sent a letter to the bosses of labor groups like the AFL-CIO and Service Employees International Union (SEIU), as well as liberal organizations, making a strong case for Maxwell. And Bonior has also privately made the case for Ms. Maxwell directly to Obama’s top transition team officials.

Putting Maxwell in charge of the Department of Labor (DOL) is like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop. She heads the union front group “American Rights at Work” that has been running adds pushing enactment of the Card Check Scam Bill.

Surely anyone Obama picks to head the Department of Labor will put the needs and desires of the union bosses ahead of those of American workers. But putting Maxwell in charge would certainly do away with any pretense of fairness for working Americans. n

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