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National Right to Work Committee Reminding People It’s Labor Day, Not Union Day

But, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to give Big Labor Bosses control over your lives and take us back to 1935

Below is a sampling of the media coverage that The National Right to Work Committee and our President Mark Mix received over Labor Day weekend.

If you would like to hear more about how Congress imposed forced unionism on America in 1935, listen to Larry O’Connor’s interview of Mark Mix.

One America News: A Biden Presidency Would End ‘Right to Work’ In America

Host: John Hines
Guest: National Right to Work Committee President Mark Mix

WMAL: The Larry O’Connor Show

Host: Larry O’Connor
Guest: National Right to Work Committee President Mark Mix

NewsWeek: Don’t Forget: It’s Labor Day, Not Union Day

National Right to Work Committee President Mark Mix Op-Ed:

This Labor Day, we should, once again, be celebrating the accomplishments of the American worker. Yet every year, and especially with a national election just two months away, union bosses inevitably attempt to steal the spotlight from rank-and-file workers in order to argue for more government-granted powers over the very workers they claim to represent.

Instead of buying into union bosses’ self-serving notion of the holiday, let’s celebrate the workers fighting to free themselves from Big Labor coercion—and the historic decade it’s been for their individual rights.

Since 2012, five states—Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, West Virginia and Kentucky—have added right-to-work protections that ensure union membership and financial support are strictly voluntary. That’s a greater number of new right-to-work states than any decade since the 1950s, bringing the total to 27 states nationwide. … Read more.

The Detroit News: Opinion: To address UAW corruption, target how union bosses harm rank and file

National Right to Work Committee President Mark Mix Op-Ed:

Cigar buying sprees. Custom-made Napa wine. Months-long opulent golf vacations in private villas tucked away in the hills of Southern California.

These are just a small portion of the millions in lavish expenditures reportedly made by United Auto Workers top bosses, all with money intended to benefit rank-and-file workers. A long-running federal embezzlement probe has already resulted in the convictions of 14 individuals, including 11 linked to the UAW. Union officials at the highest levels of the UAW were found guilty of living large on workers’ dues, including money from workers who would be fired for not paying union dues or fees. … Read more.

The Washington Examiner: Union bosses’ bargaining powers are undermining government’s response to the coronavirus

National Right to Work Committee President Mark Mix Op-Ed:

This Labor Day, the United States faces unique health and economic challenges posed by COVID-19. But at every level of government (federal, state, and local), Big Labor’s government-granted powers over public employees undermine efforts to mitigate the damage being wrought by the coronavirus.

Even so, some are proposing to expand rather than roll back these powers, which are particularly crippling for governments dealing with the pandemic-induced combination of economic uncertainty, widespread unemployment, below-projected tax revenues, and the need to provide government services (including policing and schooling) while still managing health risks. … Read more.

The Federalist: Police Unions Protect Bad Cops, And Joe Biden Would Make It Worse

National Right to Work Committee President Mark Mix Op-Ed:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a zealot for empowering union officials in the private sector, once declared that “the process of collective bargaining … cannot be transplanted into the public service.” He understood that the very nature of government is undermined when a third-party organization like a union is granted the power to strong-arm elected officials over how tax dollars are allocated.

Despite the echoes of FDR’s warnings, today public-sector union officials in most states now dictate rules and employment conditions in government workplaces from police departments to hospitals, state-run liquor stores to public schools. In such settings, union officials are granted monopoly bargaining privileges, meaning control over the contracts of every employee in a public workplace—even over the objections of individual workers who oppose the union’s so-called “representation.” … Read more.

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