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Outrageous: Obama OK’s No-Show Taxpayer Paid Union Only Jobs During Shutdown

Most American Taxpayers do not know that governments transfers hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes to state and federal employees who do not work for the state government or the federal government.  They are essentially no-show government jobs fully paid by taxpayers to work exclusively for their unions on a full-time and in some cases a part-time basis.

Shamelessly as Obama ordered vets to be blocked from the World War II Memorial and threatened military chaplains for holding services during the “shutdown.” Yet, President Obama gave union organizers a waiver to do their organizing during the shutdown and get their federal paychecks.

“On Friday OPM issued updated guidance that provides several carefully crafted carve-outs for furloughed government workers to perform union work on official, paid time.”

Obama’s Action Will Help Terry McAuliffe’s Grab for Virginia Governorship

This means, for example, these so-called “official time” federal employees could be very politically active in the ongoing Virginia elections and get paid by the federal government for their efforts on McAuliffe’s behalf. There is no limitation on what federal employees do during “official time” because they aren’t working for the American public, they are working for the union and taxpayers are picking up the bill.

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