Open Letter to Amazon
February 26, 2019 Dear Sirs, I could not help but note the recent news reports that you have decided to cancel a major infrastructure investment in New York. Allow me to congratulate you on having dodged a bullet. As you…
February 26, 2019 Dear Sirs, I could not help but note the recent news reports that you have decided to cancel a major infrastructure investment in New York. Allow me to congratulate you on having dodged a bullet. As you…
Bill Would Corral Home-Based Child-Care Providers Into Unions (source: National Right to Work August 2015 Newsletter) Last year, in Harris v. Quinn, a case argued and won by National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys, the U.S.
Congressional ‘Disapproval’ Won’t Stop Obama NLRB Zealots (Click here to download the March 2015 National Right to Work Newsletter) On April 14, barring a successful legal challenge, President Barack Obama’s radical National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) will begin implementing its…
By killing Congress’ attempt to protect the rights of working Americans, President Obama continues to endorse his National Labor Relations Board’s schizophrenic policies. The latest examples are the NLRB’s new Ambush Election Rules and …
Notice from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation: Right to Work Foundation Announces Offer of Free Legal Aid to Alabama Mercedes-Benz Employees Unions collude to force workers into union ranks Springfield, VA (October 3,…
Violence Committed For ‘Legitimate’ Union Goals Isn’t Extortion?? (Article first appeared in the September 2014 National Right to Work Committee Newsletter) This summer, pro-Right to Work U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) introduced in…
Secretary-Treasurer of the UAW Has ‘Let the Cat Out of the Bag (From the August 2014 National Right to Work Committee Newsletter) The fundamental aim of Right to Work laws is…
[vsw id=”E-btNw8QTgQ” source=”youtube” width=”580″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no”] Full transcript provided by C-SPAN*: 00:00:18 Pedro Echevarria YOU DEFINE RIGHT WORK LAWS? GUEST: WE BELIEVE EVERY WORKER HAS A RIGHT TO JOIN THE UNION, THAT RIGHT IS PROTECTED AND…
Recently, UAW Secretary-Treasurer Gary Casteel orchestrated a Kabuki Dance (political posturing) for the press and set off a several days of commotions about the United Auto Workers union and their presence in the South. But, it really was no more…