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Obama Gives MI Gov. His Two Cents

President Obama scolded Michigan Governor Rick Snyder for his efforts to make Michigan competitive again by enacting a Right to Work law.   Governor Snyder told Obama, “Thanks for sharing,” MLive reported:

Lots of folks scoffed in town when reports surfaced that Democrats had petitioned the President of the United   States to insert himself into the unseemly debate over Right to Work. Some asked out loud, doesn’t POTUS have more important things to do than lobby Gov. Rick Snyder on that?

But lobby the president did.

During an exclusive one-hour sit down on WKAR-Public TV, the governor confirms that he and President Barack Obama shared a few minutes in private and the president looked the governor in the eye and said, “He wasn’t pleased with Right to Work,” Mr. Snyder reveals for the first time.

And the governor’s response?

Short, sweet and to the point. “I said thank you for sharing that with me.”

And that was it?

“Pretty much, yeah,” the GOP governor glibly recalls.

Thank you Gov Snyder for standing up for Michigan workers, even over the objections of the president.

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