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September 2015 National Right to Work Committee Newsletter available online

(Click here to download the September 2015 National Right to Work Newsletter)

Three Presidential Hopefuls Woo Big LaborWill Right to Work Supporters Have a Choice on Fall 2016 Ballot?

Right to Work States Attract BreadwinnersAmericans in Their Working Years Are ‘Voting With Their Feet’

Kentucky Employees’ Right to Work at StakeFall Gubernatorial Contest’s Outcome Could Decide State’s Future

Union Bosses Claim ‘Right’ to Commit SabotageVandalizing Convention Exhibits a Licit Form of ‘Labor Protest’?

Big Labor Mostly to Blame For Teacher ShortagesUnion Boss-Backed ‘Single Salary Schedule’ Hurts Many Educators

Teacher Union Don Seeks Taxpayer-Funded BailoutNew Jersey NEA Chief Backs Trillion-Dollar Federal ‘Loan Program’

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