Site icon National Right To Work Committee

U.S. Senator Mark Warner Hides Big Labor Propensities

Message from Committee VP Greg Mourad:

The time to act is now.

As Vice President of Legislation for the National Right to Work Committee, I talk with members of Congress and their staff almost every day about bills that affect worker freedom.

So it doesn’t surprise me when politicians on the campaign trail try to hide their position on the forced-unionism issue. When politicians stay silent, that usually means they plan to vote with Big Labor, not with the nearly 80 percent of Americans who support the Right to Work principle.

That’s why I’m so concerned Mark Warner won’t answer the Right to Work Candidate survey.

Mark Warner refuses to come clean on questions related to forced dues, card check, union violence, and more.

With the election just days away, it’s vital you act at once to demand all the candidates pledge to oppose forced unionism.

Greg Mourad

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