Listen for the Whistle

Reid to Railroad Forced Unionism Bill Through the Senate -- ?  Roll Call newspaper (subscription required) is reporting Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) is "sketching a process for railroading the bill [Card Check Forced Unionism Bill] through the floor as quickly as possible to prevent Republicans from rallying a major campaign against it, senior Democratic aides said."   The scheme would require a deal cut with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the union bosses and even a group of holdout Democrat Senators including Pryor and Lincoln: Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) has been working for months to put together a deal on “card check” legislation, which would make it easier for workers to unionize. Democrats had originally hoped to move a bill that would include not only that language changing how workers vote to join a union but also a provision requiring workers and employers to submit to binding federal arbitration to settle labor disagreements.

“Card Check” -- A True Story of SEIU and U.S. Labor Department Coordinated Abuse

This is an important story in these times of Big Labor’s takeover of the Federal government.  This documented true story that contains Card Check abuse, SEIU physical violence against workers, SEIU abuse of the NLRB system, orchestrated false allegations, and a corrupt Clinton appointee; and you can see and hear about what happens when Big Labor Bosses control a president’s administration like they do today. Mr. Randy Schaber’s story begins with the discovery of an ongoing SEIU Card Check Forced Unionism scheme that included harassing employees at their homes.  Mr. Schaber offered to hold an NLRB sanctioned secret ballot election. The SEIU organizers replied, “We will never let your employees have a secret ballot election.”  Then, Mr. Schaber began to feel the pain that SEIU’s corporate campaign is designed to inflict. Randy’s employees were physically assaulted during this SEIU organizing campaign. To hear Mr. Schaber tell the story in his own words, we recommend that you listen and watch his full interview (click links to video clip 1, video clip 2, and video clip 3); for a brief description view his shortened interview.  You will be amazed at the abuse of federal power coordinated by SEIU in the 1990’s when they had less control of the White House than they do today. For more information, you can download the edited version of the U.S. House of Representatives Report and the U.S. Department of Labor Inspector General’s Report that discuss SEIU’s corporate campaign and the U.S. Department of Labor’s abuses that Mr. Schaber suffered, and it eventually resulted in the dismissal of a Clinton appointee. The following are quotes from that U.S. House of Representatives report: Abuse of power at the Department of Labor CONCLUSION Based on the Office of the Inspector General’s investigation and the testimony of other witnesses at the hearing, it is obvious that Mr. Richard F. Sawyer abused his position as the Secretary’s Representative by intervening on behalf of the SEIU in its campaign to organize the janitorial workers of Somers. This information establishes several irrefutable facts:

Big Labor Strategic Retreat

Big Labor's apparent decision to drop the card check provisions from the Card Check Forced Unionism bill leaves the forced unionism provisions in the bill alive and well. The Wall Street Journal's take: Politicians don't typically broadcast their defeat, and when they do it pays to watch for the blindside hit. That's surely the case with last week's reports that six liberal Senators are abandoning part of labor's top priority, "card check" legislation. The legislation to eliminate secret ballots in union elections has in fact been comatose for weeks, since Pennsylvania's Arlen Specter and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas declared their opposition. So the real purpose of this "concession" is to shift to Plan B, which is to repackage most of what labor wants with new ribbons and wrapping. The bill that Senators Tom Harkin (Iowa), Mark Pryor (Arkansas), Mr. Specter and others are now considering would still give unions the whip hand in negotiations with management. One proposal would slash the time for an organizing vote, requiring that it be held within five or 10 days after 30% of workers had signed cards asking for a union. The median time today is 38 days. Organizers want the rush because they know the more time workers have to learn about a union, the less they usually want one. Once employees hear the other side of the story, support dwindles.