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Five Reasons Why Michigan Should Enact a Right to Work Law

Five Reasons Why Michigan Should Enact a Right to Work Law

(Excerpt from the National Institute for Labor Relations Research's October Fact Sheet downloadable here) 1.  Freedom to Associate Also Means Freedom Not to Associate 2.  Right to Work Bolsters Job Creation, Personal Income Growth 3.  Right to Work’s Benefits Reach Citizens at All Income Levels 4.  Without a Right to Work Law, It Is Basically Impossible To Prevent Forced-Dues Politicking by Union Bosses 5.  Right to Work Laws Deter Union Corruption   1. Freedom to Associate Also Means Freedom Not to Associate -- The average man on the street understands, as well as constitutional scholars do, that any genuine personal right should include the freedom to refrain from exercising that right.  But federal labor law, like many state laws that are modeled after it, doesn’t protect employees’ freedom in the commonly accepted sense of the word.  It recognizes the right to join a labor union, but does almost nothing to protect those who don’t want labor union affiliation. 2. Right to Work Bolsters Job Creation, Personal Income Growth -- In addition to freeing an estimated 576,000 workers who are currently forced to pay union dues as a condition of employment, a Michigan Right to Work law would be good for the state economy. Study after study shows