Right to Work Sponsorship Surging in D.C.
Sen. Josh Hawley Thumbs His Nose at Missouri Right to Work Supporters
Sen. Josh Hawley Thumbs His Nose at Missouri Right to Work Supporters
Where forced union dues are permitted, workers and other people end up with less purchasing power.
With CTU President Stacy Davis Gates calling the shots, taxpayer costs for Chicago schools are skyrocketing even as educational outcomes get worse and worse. But the miserable status quo works for Big Labor politicians.
Matthew Lilley (inset): Union contracts often feature “last-in, first-out layoff rules,” which typically “disadvantage” younger employees -- who may reasonably regard such rules as “blind” to their value as individuals.
“While deducting an exorbitant 3% of the caregivers’ paychecks, without even pretending to address any workplace issues, Laphonza Butler’s Local 2015 would routinely send form letters to members who had attempted to resign telling them they couldn’t,” noted Mr. Mourad.
New Board Policy: Overturn Election if Workers Reject Big Labor
Without Janus, virtually all of these employees would still be bankrolling a union to keep their jobs. But the data show that, thanks to Janus, nearly 730,000 of them are not having any union dues withheld from their paychecks.
In 2020, Big Labor senators like Monty Mason and then-Gov. Ralph Northam colluded to kill Virginia’s ban on monopolistic public-sector unionism. Now Mr. Mason and his legislative cohorts must answer to their constituents.
On July 27, Gary Glenn passed away after a seven-year battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife of 40 years, Annette, and their five children and nine grandchildren.