Did Obama DOL Deliberately Ignore UAW Crimes?
Crimes Could Have Been Discovered Years Earlier Obama Labor Bureaucrats Helped UAW Kingpins Conceal Wrongdoing
Crimes Could Have Been Discovered Years Earlier Obama Labor Bureaucrats Helped UAW Kingpins Conceal Wrongdoing
Here is a summary of the May 2020 National Right to Work Newsletter. You can read the whole thing here!
Corruption Highlights Forced-Dues Injustice Even as the FBI investigates Norwood Jewell (pictured at right) for allegedly living the high life with money that was supposed to benefit workers, he is eligible to collect a pension derived from workers’ forced dues…
A recent update regarding the ever-expanding United Auto Workers (UAW) union corruption scandal by Detroit News journalists Robert Snell and Daniel Howes suggests more indictments may well be coming.Three former UAW union officials and the widow of a deceased UAW…