Attention Virginia Voters has a critical story about big labor’s attempt to buy the Virginia gubernatorial election for Democrat Creigh Deeds:

Organized labor is betting big in Virginia and New Jersey, where two critical off-year gubernatorial races are taking place in November…In Virginia, Creigh Deeds has been flooded with more than $600,000 in campaign contributions from unions since winning theVirginia Democratic gubernatorial nomination in early June.  Last week, the AFL-CIO  launched its first major salvo in Virginia, organizing an all-day canvass in support of Deeds in Northern Virginia, Norfolk, Richmond and Roanoke, featuring workers armed with talking points slamming Republican Bob McDonnell for supporting “the rejection of $125 million in federal assistance for Virginia’s unemployed workers.”

For labor, it’s an all-out, no-holds-barred effort in both states aimed at pushing Corzine and Deeds over the finish line.  “There is a lot of attention being placed on these races,” said Larry Scanlon, political director for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. “I’ll tell you how big a deal they are: We’re already committing at least $2 million to New Jersey and have already spent $1 million in Virginia.”

The old adage about you can tell a politician by the friends they keep is certainly true this year.