Paul and Wilson Introduce National Right to Work Act to End Forced Union Dues for Workers
National Right to Work President applauds legislation that would prevent union officials from extracting union dues from workers as a condition…
Download the August 1956 National Right to Work Newsletter PDF.
14(b) Under Fire: The one section of the Taft-Hartley Act which gives federal permission to the states to pass laws banning forced unionism is emerging as the prime, union target in the next Congress
Victory in Kansas, Washington: The victories by right to work forces in Kansas and Washington have heartened opponents of compulsion in all states, as pointed out above.
Texas Victory Seen: An attorney who represented 13 Santa Fe Railroad Employees in their suit to prevent discharge because of nonunion membership considers the Texas Supreme Court’s decision upholding the union shop contract as a complete victory for those who don’t belong to the union
Louisiana Hayride: The peculiar spectacle that found certain Louisiana union leaders arguing against compulsory unionism for agricultural workers – – in order to get legislators from rural and cane mill parishes to vote to repeal the Right to Work law for other workers seems to have backfired.
The New Farmer: It might be supposed that the average farmer would be only mildly interested in the right to work, issue, and that his approval of such a law would spring only from a general conviction that no man should be forced to subscribe to any private organization in order to earn a living.
PICKETING BANNED: ln a case that has escaped wide attention, but may have set an important precedent, a district judge in Salina, Kansas July 25 banned picketing that interferes with a man’s constitutional right to work.
National Right to Work President applauds legislation that would prevent union officials from extracting union dues from workers as a condition…
Big Labor’s #1 goal is the elimination of Right to Work protections for employees. To please their union-boss puppet masters, Mr. Brown and Mr. Casey both cosponsored the so-called ‘PRO’ Act, which would effectively override state Right to Work laws and impose forced union dues and fees nationwide.
The following letter was sent to President Trump by National Right to Work Committee President Mark Mix on November 20th, 2024.