Can Fiscal Sanity Prevail in Illinois?
(Click here to download the April 2014 National Right to Work Committee Newsletter) Government Union Monopolists Wary of Gubernatorial Challenger For many…
(Click here to download the April 2014 National Right to Work Committee Newsletter) Government Union Monopolists Wary of Gubernatorial Challenger For many…
(Click here to download the April 2014 National Right to Work Committee Newsletter) In the April 2014 Edition: Big Labor Loses in Florida Special Election — Right to Work Poised…
Legal fight pits IL Gov. Quinn against home caregivers of disabled relatives From the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation: Massachusetts Childcare Providers File Federal Lawsuit Challenging Forced Unionization Scheme Childcare providers fight dictate…
At 3:00 A.M. on March 24, a Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) train crashed at O’Hare International Airport. As CBS’s Chicago affiliate reported last Friday, the crash occurred when a train on the CTA rail system’s Blue Line, which serves the western…
Big Labor Lawyer Admits the Truth During Supreme Court Hearing (Click to download the March 2014 Newsletter) As regular readers of this Newsletter know, in the 24 Right to Work states, employees who refuse…
Steve Malanga of the Manhattan Institute reported yesterday on a new study of state government pension funds in Illinois and Cook County released by the Illinois Commission on Government Forecasting and Accounting. (See the link below for Malanga’s informative summary.) The…
Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Harris v. Quinn, a high-stakes labor-policy case in which the High Court is being directly urged, for the first time in more three decades, to overturn on First Amendment grounds state…
During his political career, [Illinois Governor] Quinn has taken nearly $5 million in campaign contributions from the service employees union. "A couple weeks after the executive order was signed and the union campaign began, there was Governor Quinn on TV with the SEIU banner behind him and the SEIU leadership behind him, and I couldn't help but think that this was an exchange, a deal," said Pam Harris.
Channel 7 in Chicago, an ABC-TV affiliate, aired a news story late last week regarding Harris v. Quinn, a U.S. Supreme Court case in which a National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorney is representing eight Illinois home care…