UC Irvine Lab Assistant Sues Union over Violation of First Amendment
A University of California Irvine lab assistant has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the university and the UPTE union, a CWA affiliate.
A University of California Irvine lab assistant has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the university and the UPTE union, a CWA affiliate.
In September of 2018, Cynthia Roszman filed federal charges against the union in order to be able to exercise her right to union information.
According to a new report by National Institute for Labor Relations Research (NILRR.org), big labor poured at least $1.8 billion in the 2020 Election cycle.
With help from the NRTW Legal Defense Foundation, New Jersey teachers are taking NJEA to the Supreme Court to fight "escape period" scheme.
Two Chicago teachers have filed a lawsuit against the Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Board of Education for forcing workers to pay dues.
The lawsuit challenges a union boss-created “escape period” scheme that blocks teachers from terminating dues deductions from their paychecks...
Multiple cases headed to High Court seeking ruling against arrangements that violate workers’ rights under 2018 Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision
New Hampshire workers Patrick Doughty and Randy Severance's Supreme Court case seeking a refund after being forced to pay union dues has been fully briefed.
Biden-installed “Acting” NLRB General Counsel pushed inadequate settlement over worker’s objections to pay illegal dues to UFCW union.