Comments Policy for The National Right to Work Committee Blog

All postings received by this Blog (The National Right to Work Committee Blog) are considered intended for publication.

This Blog reserves the right to edit posted comments for content, clarity, and length.

Comments that are abusive, offensive, contain profane or racist material for this Blog’s host provider will be removed and the author(s) banned from future comments.

All points of view are welcome on this Blog, with the following exceptions: Name calling, personal attacks, racist comments, the use of profanity, or any efforts to threaten or intimidate by any commenter will not be tolerated and will result in the deletion of the comment and the banning of the poster.

URL’s within the body of the comment must be in html format and appropriate to the subject matter or they will be deleted as they skew the Blog.


Reading and posting comments at this Blog constitutes acknowledgment of, and agreement to the terms outlined in this comment policy. This comment policy may be revised in part or in full at any time.

Posts on this Blog are the sole opinion of the posts’ author. Nothing written on this blog should be understood as legal advice.

All comments must comport with applicable state and federal laws. This Blog has no obligation to monitor, edit, censor, or take responsibility for comments. It may or may not act upon a violation of its comment policy once a suspected violation has been brought to its attention. Therefore, commenters are solely responsible for the content of their comments and should ensure that their comments are lawful and fall within the stated guidelines of this site.

This Blog is not responsible for injury or liability to any reader or commenter resulting from its own communications or those of commenters, that may be offensive, misleading, inaccurate, illegal, or otherwise unsuitable in the view of the reader. Readers and commenters further agree to indemnify and hold harmless this site from claims resulting from the use of any material appearing on this site which damages the reader, commenter or any other party.

This Blog is not responsible for material posted in the comments section.

For interviews, comments, or information, contact the National Right to Work Committee at:1-800-325-7892. E-mail may be sent to: Patrick Semmens, Director of Public Affairs (include appropriate subject line for faster response)