Mark Mix Joins Steve Gruber to Discuss the Many Threats to Worker Freedom this Election Cycle
Mark Mix Joins Steve Gruber to Discuss the Many Threats to Worker Freedom this Election Cycle NRTW Home »…
The Wall Street Journal confirms that forced-union dues expenditures by the union bosses are fueling the president’s re-election efforts. In fact, the Service Employees International Union has emerged as the top outside spender on Democratic campaigns this year, surpassing even President Barack Obama’s main super PAC.
“SEIU, like other large entities that spend money on elections, doesn’t have to disclose all of its expenditures to the Federal Election Commission. But according to disclosures it has made so far this year, the union has funded almost $70 million of campaign donations, television ads and get-out-the-vote efforts for Mr. Obama and other Democrats,” the Journal reports. “That’s more than the nearly $54 million spent by Priorities USA, the main Democratic super PAC working to re-elect Mr. Obama. It makes SEIU the top financial backer working directly for Democratic candidates in the 2012 election, outside of the political parties.”
“The presidential election is our number one priority this year,” SEIU political director Brandon Davis said in a recent interview.
If President Obama loses re-election, we will hear demands for “campaign finance reform” but you can be sure these so-called reformers will continue to look the other way when it comes to forcing workers to pay for the political demands of the union bosses.
Mark Mix Joins Steve Gruber to Discuss the Many Threats to Worker Freedom this Election Cycle NRTW Home »…
Biden/Harris Boxes Out Union-Free Hardhats From Public Works
While occupying the RNC podium this summer as a self-styled advocate for workers, Sean O’Brien actually has a long track record of bullying workers, union or union free, who stand in his way