Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy will contort himself into any position to support the union bosses in Connecticut. He is even willing to turn a blind eye to the SEIU’s recent acts of sabotage and vandalism. The Wall Street Journal took notice:
Unions and politicians aren’t always easy bedfellows these days, but the Service Employees International Union has a comrade in Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy. In a union battle now raging after Connecticut SEIU health-care workers walked out of five Health Bridge Management nursing homes, Mr. Malloy has aligned himself squarely with the unions, joining a picket line last week along with state Attorney General George Jepsen and Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal.
The strike began earlier this month after 17 months of negotiations between the company and workers broke down over salary and pension benefits. On the way out the door to their strike, union employees allegedly cut off wristbands identifying some Altzheimers patients as well as those with conditions that need constant monitoring. In a letter to Chief States Attorney Kevin T. Kane on Thursday, the company requested a formal criminal investigation of “multiple acts of vandalism and sabotage.”
In 2001, another SEIU strike was attended by similar trouble, with union employees tampering with sterile supplies and removing ID bracelets. At the time, the prosecutors report said that the actions weren’t just mischief—many were “seriously jeopardizing the residents’ health and safety.”
Connecticut used to be a haven for business and entrepreneurs seeking to avoid high taxes and costly regulations. But no longer thanks to the union bosses and their allies like Gov. Malloy.