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Kentucky Freedom, National Right to Work Getting Closer to a Reality thanks to Bluegrass State

The National Right to Work Committee has been long looking for a vote on the National Right to Work Act which would repeal the 1935 awful  FDR-rammed-through legislation that federally imposed compulsory unionism on the nation.  And now, it looks like Right to Work freedom could be a key issue in the upcoming 2014 U.S. Senate race in Kentucky:

The two leading candidates in next year’s U.S. Senate race in Kentucky displayed marked differences Tuesday on the controversial labor issue of whether workers should be able to opt out of joining unions.

While Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes received an enthusiastic endorsement from the state AFL-CIO at its 30th biennial convention in Louisville, U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell pitched national Right-To-Work legislation and chided “Big Labor.”

AFL-CIO president Bill Londrigan said the labor group, which has about 220,000 members in Kentucky … He said McConnell’s push for Right-To-Work legislation was designed to kill unions and their political power.

If the AFL-CIO’s Londgren is afraid of choice, then he must not believe he has the support of his “220,000 members” in Kentucky.  And, he will spend millions of forced-union dues to keep his members from ever having a choice to pay or not pay a union boss tribute just to keep or get a job.


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