Big Labor-Big Government Collusion in Virginia
Union Bigwigs Grab Control Over K-12 Employees in Fairfax County
Fox 47 News in Lansing reports today that Wolverine State Gov. Rick Snyder’s longstanding opposition to efforts to bring up Right to Work legislation in the Michigan Capitol now appears to be softening, probably as a result of grass-roots lobbying by citizens opposed to compulsory union membership, dues and fees:
Right-to-work is now “on the agenda” at the state Capitol, according to Governor Rick Snyder, but no decision has been made on whether legislation will be introduced before the legislative session ends.
Snyder’s remarks Tuesday marked a change from his previous stance that the issue is divisive. For months, the governor has said right-to-work is not on his agenda.
Lobby Efforts Pick Up with Right-to-Work ‘On Agenda’
Union Bigwigs Grab Control Over K-12 Employees in Fairfax County
Right To Work President Mark Mix on OAN: Kamala Harris Would End 'Right to Work' Laws in Every State
Big Labor abuse of worker pension and benefit funds as a means of advancing union bosses’ self-aggrandizing policy objectives is a familiar phenomenon.