Independent Workers to Be Locked Out of Port Jobs
The Biden NLRB left South Carolina Ports Authority CEO Barbara Melvin (pictured here with two longshore union bosses) and her colleagues…
From The Truth About Project Labor Agreements website:
Great news out of South Carolina.
Yesterday, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley signed S.438 into law, which will prohibit government entities in the state from requiring contractors to sign a project labor agreement (PLA) or other agreements with labor unions as a condition of performing work on public construction projects.
South Carolina is the 17th state to take action to protect taxpayers and the vast majority of the construction industry workforce from wasteful and discriminatory PLA mandates, and the 13th state to enact reform since President Obama issuedExecutive Order 13502 in February 2009, which encourages federal agencies to require PLAs on federal construction projects costing more than $25 million and allows state and local governments to require PLAs on federally assisted projects.
The Biden NLRB left South Carolina Ports Authority CEO Barbara Melvin (pictured here with two longshore union bosses) and her colleagues…
Big Labor politicians in Boston are now tripping over themselves to scuttle future legal challenges to union-only PLA’s in Massachusetts.
Despite employing hundreds of both union and nonunion employees and being a big boon to the Palmetto State’s economy, ILA union bosses want to shut down Charleston’s Leatherman Terminal until they gain a monopoly on jobs at the port.