DNC on Hook (Literally) to SEIU

DNC on Hook (Literally) to SEIU

[media-credit name=" " align="alignright" width="218"][/media-credit]The Free Beacon has discovered that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) owes at least $8 million to a bank owned by one of the largest unions in the country, according to the committee’s most recent financial report. The DNC initiated an $8 million loan with the Amalgamated Bank of New York on Aug. 10, the report shows, accounting for the majority of the committee’s overall debt of $11 million. Amalgamated Bank, often described as “America’s Labor Bank,” is a national entity, the majority of which is owned by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), a politically active union with deep ties to the Democratic Party. The SEIU is also involved with the Democracy Alliance, a shadowy group of wealthy left-wing donors founded by billionaire investor George Soros. The bank announced in an August press release that the DNC had “moved its primary banking relationship” to Amalgamated Bank, which would handle the committee’s “day-to-day banking needs.” The DNC had previously done most of its banking with Bank of America, which helped finance the Democratic convention in Charlotte. DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz hailed the transition to Amalgamated Bank, and noted the longstanding political and financial ties between the two organizations.

SEIU, Andy Stern, Obama & the $2.8B no-bid contract

SEIU, Andy Stern, Obama & the $2.8B no-bid contract

Well-known wealth distributionist Andy Stern has distributed some of that wealth into his own pockets. Capitalizing on his forced-unionism position of prominence and his union's political power gained through forced union dues, Stern join a corporate board of a bio-warfare company that gave him a sweetheart deal on stocks that will likely give him more money overnight that his lifetime of union-boss salaries combined. Worse than Stern using his position of power gained through forced unionism to join the SIGA board, Stern used his forced-dues-financed political power and access to Obama to bring a $2.8 billion no-bid contract to SIGA that helped pump up the value of his newly acquired stock options at SIGA. The House Oversight Committee (Chairman Darrell Issa) is currently looking into this backroom insider deal that smells like the kind of deals  that Obama promised to end on his first full day in office. For more on this story see LaborUnionReport’s article in Red State:

SEIU, Andy Stern, Obama & the $2.8B no-bid contract

SEIU, Andy Stern, Obama & the $2.8B no-bid contract

Well-known wealth distributionist Andy Stern has distributed some of that wealth into his own pockets. Capitalizing on his forced-unionism position of prominence and his union's political power gained through forced union dues, Stern join a corporate board of a bio-warfare company that gave him a sweetheart deal on stocks that will likely give him more money overnight that his lifetime of union-boss salaries combined. Worse than Stern using his position of power gained through forced unionism to join the SIGA board, Stern used his forced-dues-financed political power and access to Obama to bring a $2.8 billion no-bid contract to SIGA that helped pump up the value of his newly acquired stock options at SIGA. The House Oversight Committee (Chairman Darrell Issa) is currently looking into this backroom insider deal that smells like the kind of deals  that Obama promised to end on his first full day in office. For more on this story see LaborUnionReport’s article in Red State:

SEIU's Stern and

SEIU's Stern and "Ruthless" Tactics

  Testifying before a House Committee, David Bego described the tactics of the SEIU as 'ruthless." That is no surprise to anyone who has followed the antics of the purple shirted thugs.  From Claire Courchane of The Washington Times: When officials from the Service Employees International Union tried to organize his management-services business in December 2005, David Bego’s refusal to sign a neutrality agreement with union organizers before the vote landed him in a battle he says took four years and cost him $1 million. “I was appalled by the tactics and the ruthlessness they used,” the Indiana businessman told a House committee hearing Thursday. “It was psychological warfare.”

SEIU's Stern and "Ruthless" Tactics

SEIU's Stern and "Ruthless" Tactics

  Testifying before a House Committee, David Bego described the tactics of the SEIU as 'ruthless." That is no surprise to anyone who has followed the antics of the purple shirted thugs.  From Claire Courchane of The Washington Times: When officials from the Service Employees International Union tried to organize his management-services business in December 2005, David Bego’s refusal to sign a neutrality agreement with union organizers before the vote landed him in a battle he says took four years and cost him $1 million. “I was appalled by the tactics and the ruthlessness they used,” the Indiana businessman told a House committee hearing Thursday. “It was psychological warfare.”

President Obama Eggs on Big Labor Lawbreakers

President Obama Eggs on Big Labor Lawbreakers

(Source: March 2011 NRTWC Newsletter) Labels Proposed Rollback of Union Monopoly Powers As an 'Assault' As the cover story of this Right to Work Newsletter edition reports, last month Wisconsin teacher union bosses encouraged educators in Madison, Milwaukee, and other school districts to strike illegally in order to participate in protests against GOP Gov. Scott Walker's monopoly-bargaining rollback proposal. Most teachers rejected union bosses' exhortations and reported for their jobs. However, the number of teachers who heeded the siren call of union militancy was sufficient to force multiple school districts, including Milwaukee's, to cancel classes. Madison's schools were closed for a total of four days. Many of the striking union militants, convinced that they should be paid for protesting rather than carrying out their assigned duties, collected phony "sick notes" from pro-forced unionism doctors. Wisconsin taxpayers may have to furnish these outlaw teachers with up to $6 million in "sick pay" for work they were perfectly capable of performing, but chose not to. Wisconsites quoted in media reports, including some who are normally sympathetic to Big Labor, are outraged by the actions of a relatively small share of Badger State teachers (in Milwaukee, for example, just a few more than 600 out of 5,400 teachers joined in the union-instigated "sickout"). Former Union Czar Andy Stern: President's Statement 'Helped Enormously' Even as they were losing the good will of the people of Wisconsin, however, teacher union zealots and thousands of other government union radicals who joined in their wildcat strikes got a "thumbs up" from the White House. On February 17, the second day of illegal teacher strikes, President Obama took the extraordinary step of inviting a reporter and camera crew from a Milwaukee TV station to sit down with him at the White House for an interview. Mr. Obama suggested he was okay with the portions of Gov. Walker's reform package that authorize public agencies to divert a significantly higher share of employees' wages and salaries into their health care and pension plans, and thus reduce taxpayers' total compensation liabilities. At the same time, the President blasted the provision that would, for the first time in decades, restore for most Wisconsin public employees the Right to Work without being fired for refusal to pay dues or fees to an unwanted union.

New NLRB Made to Order For Big Labor

New NLRB Made to Order For Big Labor

'Recess' Appointee: Workers Shouldn't Be Allowed to Reject Unions (Source: April 2010 NRTWC Newsletter) On February 9, union lawyer Craig Becker, nominated by President Obama to fill one of three vacancies on the powerful National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), turned out to be too radical even for a number of normally pro-Big Labor U.S. senators. Because of several union-label senators' defections, union lobbyists and the White House fell eight Senate votes short that day of the 60 they needed to cut off Right to Work debate and bring the Becker nomination up for final consideration. This vote was a significant victory for National Right to Work Committee members and supporters, who had led the fight against Mr. Becker since his selection was first announced last spring, and their allies. However, top union bosses were furious that, because of well-mobilized Right to Work opposition, Big Labor Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) had failed to ram through the Becker nomination. Almost immediately, Richard Trumka, chief of the AFL-CIO union conglomerate, publicly demanded that the President circumvent the Senate and install Craig Becker on the NLRB temporarily through a "recess" appointment. Other union bigwigs like Andy Stern, czar of the massive Service Employees International Union (SEIU), were also cheerleading for Mr. Becker. For years, Mr. Becker has served as counsel for both the SEIU union and the AFL-CIO. Craig Becker: Union Monopoly Should Be Mandated, Even if Most Workers Don't Want It And on Saturday, March 27, President Obama did the bidding of the union hierarchy by recess appointing Mr. Becker, along with the other union lawyer he has nominated to the NLRB, New Yorker Mark Pearce.