GA Ecolab Employees Take Action to Kick Out RWDSU Union Bosses
An employee of Ecolab has just filed a petition with the NLRB requesting a vote to remove the RWDSU from their workplace.
An employee of Ecolab has just filed a petition with the NLRB requesting a vote to remove the RWDSU from their workplace.
Ozvaldo Gutierrez and his coworkers at XPO Logistics in Los Angeles have successfully forced Teamsters union officials out of their workplace.
From the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation: Illinois Grocery Workers Appeal Decision Blocking Vote to Remove Union Despite Unanimous Opposition to UFCW Union NLRB asked to review Regional Director’s refusal to process decertification petition signed by…
But, the saga may not be over… Obama NLRB May Still Thwart Justice National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys have their hands full again protecting employees’ rights and fighting Obama’s NLRB and Steelworkers Union Bosses. From the Foundation’s…
By killing Congress’ attempt to protect the rights of working Americans, President Obama continues to endorse his National Labor Relations Board’s schizophrenic policies. The latest examples are the NLRB’s new Ambush Election Rules and …
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=false share=false width=450 height=253 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /] ACORN Founder Wade Rathke regarding SEIU Lawyer Craig Becker’s appointment to the five-member National Labor Relations Board once wrote: “Thanks for a solid, President Obama!” And, “Craig Becker will no longer be a secret weapon for workers [read SEIU & AFL-CIO bosses] at the NLRB…” Rathke is right, Becker is no secret and, according to Washington Examiner’s Mark Hemingway and the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, he appears to be willing to violate ethical restrictions to help his “former employer SEIU. From Hemingway’s 12/10/2010 story: National Labor Relations Board member Craig Becker recused himself from a decision earlier this week that advanced organized labor’s top public policy goal, Card Check, but worries continue to grow in at least a dozen other cases before the board in which he participated despite apparent conflicts of interest for the former labor lawyer. Becker recused himself from the case because he had written a brief supporting labor prior to joining the board. Card Check is a bullying tool used by unions that … exposes workers to threats and actual physical intimidation by union organizers. Becker refused to discuss the case with the Examiner or his rationale for recusals, as did a board spokesman. Since joining the NLRB, the National Right to Work (NRTW) Foundation has filed 13 motions noting Becker's conflict of interest in cases before the NLRB.Since joining the NLRB, the National Right to Work (NRTW) Foundation has filed 13 motions noting Becker's conflict of interest in cases before the NLRB.