Big Labor Systematically Lies to Forced Dues-Paying Workers
The abuses described by Vargas and Geary are completely representative of Big Labor
The abuses described by Vargas and Geary are completely representative of Big Labor
Autoworkers union bosses repeatedly threatened to get public defender Brunilda Vargas fired if she refused to join the union and pay forced dues for every type of union scheme, including politics and lobbying
Jeanette Geary, who fought a 12-year legal battle against union bosses just to enforce her rights, testified for the National Right to Work Act.
The First Circuit has rejected UNAP's appeal toward the lawsuit filed by Rhode Island nurse Jeanette Geary. This helps guarantee workers' rights!
Trump NLRB Targets Forced Dues-Funded Lobbying In 1988, communications worker Harry Beck (now retired in Oregon) and his Right to Work attorneys scored a landmark High Court free-speech victory. But Big Labor has never genuinely accepted the Beck decision. Long-Awaited…
Finally, the Trump NLRB Boardmembers end the 9-year delay of justice for Rhode Island nurse Jeanette Geary; and issue a sweeping decision that brings congruency to board decisions and several past Supreme Court opinions — Unions Violate Employees’ Rights…