Portland–Area Fred Meyer Employee Wins Dispute with UFCW Union Local 555 Over Illegal Union Threats
UFCW union bosses backed down after facing federal charges for threatening Fred Meyer workers who wouldn’t join union strike
UFCW union bosses backed down after facing federal charges for threatening Fred Meyer workers who wouldn’t join union strike
With original case cited as grounds for blocking vote settled, Starbucks worker pushes for decertification election to oust SBWU
Requested vote to remove NNOC/NNU Union Officials would take place in unit of roughly 600 nurses; similar efforts also taking place in New York and New Jersey
Brief: 1199SEIU officials engaged in backchannel communications with federal labor board to block vote; same union is facing ouster effort by NJ workers as well
UFCW union bosses begin dropping fines against Fred Meyer grocery storeworkers, but union faces investigation on federal charges
Earlier this year MOM’s Organic Market workers voted 24-1 to remove UFCW Local 400, but union lawyers continue fighting to block certification & overturn result
National Labor Relations Board facing numerous worker-brought lawsuits citing unconstitutional structure
Efforts come in the face of anti-Right to Work push by Teamsters bosses and Teamster-backed Biden-Harris Labor Board rule change to disenfranchise workers
After corruption scandal and Right to Work Repeal, Michigan Hydra-Lock workers win their freedom from UAW bosses and forced union dues