AFL-CIO President Applauds Obama Bureaucrats

AFL-CIO President Applauds Obama Bureaucrats

Subscribe to The National Right to Work Committee® by Email Kudos Go to NLRB Members For 'Encouraging' Monopolistic Unionism The four current members of the powerful National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), all appointed or reappointed by President Barack Obama, are poised to make a series of major decisions expanding forced unionism over the next few months. Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO union conglomerate, is licking his chops at this prospect -- and it's no mystery why he and other union kingpins are eager to see the Obama NLRB reinvent the federal rules for unionization campaigns. Chairman Wilma Liebman, an NLRB veteran first appointed to the agency in 1997 by then-President Bill Clinton and elevated to the leadership position by Mr. Obama in 2009, is an ex-Teamster union lawyer. And Obama appointees Craig Becker and Mark Pearce both come out of union legal ranks. More important, Ms. Liebman, Mr. Becker, and Mr. Pearce have all already demonstrated a willingness to go well beyond the pro-forced unionism letter of federal labor law to make it as difficult as they can for independent employees and businesses to avoid union monopoly control. Federal Labor Law Itself Tramples Freedom of Independent-Minded Workers Only one current NLRB member, former GOP Senate staffer Brian Hayes, has shown any real reluctance to rewrite the provisions of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) whenever they turn out to be inconvenient for union organizers. But Mr. Hayes is evidently destined to be perpetually outvoted by the three forced-unionism zealots who now sit with him on the Board. (The fifth NLRB seat remains vacant as this month's Right to Work Newsletter goes to press.)

Obama NLRB to Ignore Mid-Term Election Results; intends to backdoor 'Card Check'

Obama NLRB to Ignore Mid-Term Election Results; intends to backdoor 'Card Check'

(Source: December 2010 NRTWC Newsletter) Independent Workers, Firms Face 'Card-Check Lite' Implementation It's been more than a century since Mr. Dooley, the immortal comic character created by Chicago-based journalist Finley Peter Dunne, opined that "th' Supreme Coort follows th' election returns." In the High Court's consideration of controversial legal cases over the years, it often really has seemed that majorities of unelected justices were reluctant, for good or ill, to ignore recent electoral results. But Mr. Dooley's adage doesn't appear to have made any impression whatsoever on the forced-unionism zealots who now hold all but one of the four occupied seats on the powerful National Labor Relations Board, or NLRB. (The fifth NLRB seat has been vacant for several months.) Despite the fact that voters in the November 2 general elections sent a clear message they oppose the imposition of new federal policies to help Organized Labor increase the share of workers who are under union monopoly-bargaining control, the Obama NLRB is signaling that is exactly what it intends to do.

Obama NLRB to Ignore Mid-Term Election Results; intends to backdoor 'Card Check'

Obama NLRB to Ignore Mid-Term Election Results; intends to backdoor 'Card Check'

(Source: December 2010 NRTWC Newsletter) Independent Workers, Firms Face 'Card-Check Lite' Implementation It's been more than a century since Mr. Dooley, the immortal comic character created by Chicago-based journalist Finley Peter Dunne, opined that "th' Supreme Coort follows th' election returns." In the High Court's consideration of controversial legal cases over the years, it often really has seemed that majorities of unelected justices were reluctant, for good or ill, to ignore recent electoral results. But Mr. Dooley's adage doesn't appear to have made any impression whatsoever on the forced-unionism zealots who now hold all but one of the four occupied seats on the powerful National Labor Relations Board, or NLRB. (The fifth NLRB seat has been vacant for several months.) Despite the fact that voters in the November 2 general elections sent a clear message they oppose the imposition of new federal policies to help Organized Labor increase the share of workers who are under union monopoly-bargaining control, the Obama NLRB is signaling that is exactly what it intends to do.

“Craig Becker will no longer be a secret weapon at the NLRB”

[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=false share=false width=450 height=253 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /] ACORN Founder Wade Rathke regarding SEIU Lawyer Craig Becker’s appointment to the five-member National Labor Relations Board once wrote: “Thanks for a solid, President Obama!” And, “Craig Becker will no longer be a secret weapon for workers [read SEIU & AFL-CIO bosses] at the NLRB…”  Rathke is right, Becker is no secret and, according to Washington Examiner’s Mark Hemingway and the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, he appears to be willing to violate ethical restrictions to help his “former employer SEIU. From Hemingway’s 12/10/2010 story: National Labor Relations Board member Craig Becker recused himself from a decision earlier this week that advanced organized labor’s top public policy goal, Card Check, but worries continue to grow in at least a dozen other cases before the board in which he participated despite apparent conflicts of interest for the former labor lawyer. Becker recused himself from the case because he had written a brief supporting labor prior to joining the board. Card Check is a bullying tool used by unions that … exposes workers to threats and actual physical intimidation by union organizers. Becker refused to discuss the case with the Examiner or his rationale for recusals, as did a board spokesman. Since joining the NLRB, the National Right to Work (NRTW) Foundation has filed 13 motions noting Becker's conflict of interest in cases before the NLRB.Since joining the NLRB, the National Right to Work (NRTW) Foundation has filed 13 motions noting Becker's conflict of interest in cases before the NLRB.

Right to Work Poised to Gain Senate Strength

Right to Work Poised to Gain Senate Strength

One of the Survey 2010's top target states is Nevada, where Big Labor Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (pictured at a union event) is now running neck and neck with pro-Right to Work challenger Sharron Angle. Image Credit: USW-Canada Survey Results in, Committee Members Put Heat on the Candidates (Source: October 2010 NRTWC Newsletter) With the results of the National Right to Work Committee's federal Survey 2010 now in, Committee members from coast to coast keep turning up the heat on U.S. Senate and House candidates to publicly pledge 100% support for the Right to Work. Committee members and supporters who receive the Newsletter through the U.S. Postal Service can find out whether and how their candidates responded to the Right to Work survey by consulting the Survey 2010 results roster enclosed with this month's issue. Pro-Right to Work Americans who have not yet received their Survey 2010 results may obtain a copy by contacting the Committee by e-mail --  -- or by dialing 1-800-325-7892. By calling, writing, and visiting their candidates and urging them to declare themselves in opposition to forced unionism, Committee members are making forced unionism and the Right to Work red-hot issues in state after state this year. Right to Work Activity Key to Stopping Big Labor At this writing, just a few weeks remain until Election Day. And reports from a wide array of pollsters and pundits indicate that the caucus of politicians who support Big Labor's agenda on forced-unionism issues such as federally-mandated "card checks" will shrink significantly after voters go to the polls.