White Plains Hospital Workers Seek Vote to Remove Unpopular SEIU 1199 Union from Workplace
Healthcare workers at the White Plains Hospital have filed a petition seeking the removal of the SEIU Local 1199 union from their workplace.
Healthcare workers at the White Plains Hospital have filed a petition seeking the removal of the SEIU Local 1199 union from their workplace.
Big Labor radicals like Ms. Henry are “fighting like h***” for enactment of the multitrillion-dollar Tax & Spend scheme for a host of reasons.
Learn what the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is doing to help protect Medicaid funds from being abused by Union bosses.
Under unconstitutional ‘escape period’ scheme, healthcare worker paid union dues for months despite resigning SEIU membership
Union Dons Authorized to Download Workers’ Personal Information Employers’ personnel files hold lots of private information about employees, including their Social Security numbers and those of their next of kin. If identity thieves gain access to employees’ names along…
Bill Would Corral Home-Based Child-Care Providers Into Unions (source: National Right to Work August 2015 Newsletter) Last year, in Harris v. Quinn, a case argued and won by National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys, the U.S.
System Puts Workers ‘Under Powerful Compulsion to Join’ the Union (Source: May 2015 National Right to Work Newsletter) Last summer, the U.S. Supreme Court alarmed government union bosses across the country…
Sally Coomer testified before Congress regarding a similar situation for her in Duvall, Washington. Under current…
But Millions of Public Servants Must Continue to Bankroll Unions (From the August 2014 National Right to Work Committee Newsletter) From 1977 until this year,…