'Nowhere to Flee' Sherman Strikes Again
(Source: August 2010 NRTWC Newsletter)
Once they finish their education, droves of young Californians are fleeing to Right to Work states, where real incomes are higher. Golden State Rep. Brad Sherman (center) wants to deny them the chance to flee. Credit: www.house.gov
Union-Label Solon Bringing Back Right to Work Destruction Scheme
Big Labor Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman thinks he knows how to stop employees and employers from fleeing forced-unionism states like his native California: Make sure there's nowhere in the country they can go where the Right to Work is protected.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, between April 1, 2000 and July 1, 2009, a net total of 1.51 million Californians left the Golden State.
And the reason there is a huge net outflow of people, disproportionately young employees and entrepreneurs, from California to other states isn't because Americans have suddenly grown tired of sunny days and moderate temperatures!
From 2000-2009, Net Total Of Five Million Americans Fled Forced-Unionism States