Why Apologize?
Big labor has special sway with the Obama Administration. Everyone knows it but it appears to be bad form to brag about it.
The United Transportation Union (UTU) publicly apologized for boasting that it was their political influence and their political action committee (PAC) was the reason their General Counsel was picked by the White House to become a member of the Surface Transportation Board.
In a press release UTU International Boss Mike Futhey bragged: “The selection by President Obama of Dan Elliot and [former UTU official] Joe Szabo to head major transportation regulatory agencies is tribute to the political influence of the UTU, which flows from the UTU [political action committee (PAC)]. We have good reason to expect President Obama to reach into the UTU ranks for other appointments in the near future.”
Some Senators didn’t take too kindly to the inference that union political dollars were the reason for the selection — even though it is likely true.
Flashback: UTU Caught on Tape Accepting Bribes