How Long Will Forced-Dues Radicals Reign?
By the summer of 2021, Joe Biden had assembled the most radically pro-forced unionism NLRB majority ever, consisting of Chairman Lauren…
Spending a record $60 million on the presidential campaign alone, the big government union American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) is putting 40,000 “volunteers” on the ground in Ohio to carry the state for Sen. Barack Obama and, as AFSCME union boss Gerald McEntee says to “increase worker-friendly majorities” in the House and Senate. “Worker friendly?”
Those “worker friendly” House and Senate members will eliminate workers’ right to a secret ballot election. Those “worker friendly” House and Senate members will coerce more workers into joining unions as never before. Those “worker friendly” House and Senate members will try to eliminate your Right to Work.
The only thing they are friendly to is the union bosses who put them in power.
By the summer of 2021, Joe Biden had assembled the most radically pro-forced unionism NLRB majority ever, consisting of Chairman Lauren…
Josh Hawley distances himself from pro-Right to Work pledges, aligning with union bosses like the Teamsters, despite their history of corruption.
IGUA union officials provided contradictory information on amount a Master Security guard must pay the union to keep a job