Big Labor’s SEIU, UFCW and others allowed to opt out of ObamaCare


SEIU, UFCW and other unions that spent hundreds of millions of dollars of forced union dues supporting ObamaCare have filed requests to be exempt and have been granted exemptions from onerous ObamaCare regulations.  ObamaCare continues to create hypocrites out of Big Labor and the Obama Administration.  Below is a partial list of waivers granted by the Obama Administrations (for the current list from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services click here):

  Applicant Application Received Number of Enrollees Waiver Approved
10 Service Employees Benefit Fund 10/12/2010 1,297 10/29/2010
12 UFCW Allied Trade Health & Welfare Trust 10/5/2010 68 10/29/2010
14 IBEW No.915 9/28/2010 930 10/28/2010
15 Integra BMS for Culp, Inc. 10/4/2010 34 10/28/2010
19 Asbestos Workers Local 53 Welfare Fund 9/29/2010 2 10/26/2010
33 Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 123 Welfare Fund 9/30/2010 534 10/26/2010
35 UFCW Local 227 10/12/2010 1,125 10/26/2010
52 UFCW Maximus Local 455 10/4/2010 59 10/18/2010
55 Local 25 SEIU 9/29/2010 31,000 10/14/2010
60 UFCW Local 1262 9/20/2010 5,390 10/14/2010
78 Local 802 Musicians Health Fund 9/29/2010 1,801 10/1/2010
83 Local 17 Hospitality Benefit Fund 9/16/2010 881 9/30/2010
89 I.U.P.A.T 9/16/2010 875 9/27/2010
91 Transport Workers 9/20/2010 107 9/27/2010
92 UFT Welfare Fund (NY Teachers Union) 9/16/2010 351,000 9/27/2010

(H/T The Drudge Report)