Portland–Area Fred Meyer Employee Wins Dispute with UFCW Union Local 555 Over Illegal Union Threats
UFCW union bosses backed down after facing federal charges for threatening Fred Meyer workers who wouldn’t join union strike
Amanda Carpenter has noticed a flyer from the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union that promises to “start organizing campaigns, develop worker committees and conduct house calls to workers.”
As Carpenter notes:
House calls to workers? Notice it doesn’t say “to members.” It says workers. That means these union advocates, also known as “thugs” in many locales, are going to be showing up on your doorstep to talk about card check, whether you want to talk about it or not. They’re going to be looking up home addresses and sending people out. Pulling in your driveway and knocking on your door.
Don’t tell me that’s not intimidation.
It sounds a little Michael Corleone-ish to me. “Where my family sleeps…where my children play with their toys….”
You can rest assured that if the Card Check Scam Bill is enacted into law, workers will be getting plenty of house calls from union organizers pressuring workers to sign their cards.
UFCW union bosses backed down after facing federal charges for threatening Fred Meyer workers who wouldn’t join union strike
UFCW union bosses begin dropping fines against Fred Meyer grocery storeworkers, but union faces investigation on federal charges
Earlier this year MOM’s Organic Market workers voted 24-1 to remove UFCW Local 400, but union lawyers continue fighting to block certification & overturn result