Employee Freedom on the Line in Federal Races
Joe Biden [...] is running on a labor-policy platform far more radical than those advanced by 2016 Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton or former President Barack Obama.
Joe Biden [...] is running on a labor-policy platform far more radical than those advanced by 2016 Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton or former President Barack Obama.
Here's a summary of what you'll find in our November/December 2020 National Right To Work Newsletter. You can read it here!
“Contrary to Nancy Pelosi’s expectations, the governors and lawmakers of Right to Work states have not joined their counterparts in Illinois, New Jersey and Connecticut in pressing for a federal bailout.
Perhaps no other state is currently in a deeper fiscal hole than forced-unionism Illinois, where there are more than $12 billion in unfunded liabilities of local public-safety pension funds alone.
Power-crazed and money-grubbing union bosses often try to force workers to continue paying full union dues after they resign.
This February, pro-forced unionism Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) House of Representatives green-lighted omnibus labor legislation (H.R.2474) including provisions that would reclassify independent contractors nationwide as “employees.”
“The Biden-Harris ticket’s ugly message to employees across America is: ‘Pay Big Labor to undercut your “economic interests,” or be fired from your job’!”
“If the total state Right to Work elimination planned by Joe Biden is adopted, the results will be a devastating loss of personal freedom for workers and a shipwreck for the U.S. economy.”
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka declared that no candidate refusing to support the anti-Right to Work PRO Act would get AFL-CIO bosses’ backing. And, AFL-CIO chiefs endorsed Arizona U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kelly and others like Joe Big Labor Biden.
Here is a summary of the October 2020 National Right to Work Newsletter
Corruption is a pervasive problem in the UAW, and [...] government policies promoting forced union dues are a principal source of corruption.
Unjust System Imperils Public Education as Well as Public Safety Committee President Mark Mix: “Of course, public-safety departments are far from the only government agencies where union monopolists go to extremes to protect bad and sometimes dangerous employees.” The death…
By coddling Big Labor, Gov. Sisolak has hamstrung his own ability to close a $1.3 billion budget deficit. Union Dons Bitterly Denounce Governor Whom They Lauded in 2019 Big Labor Democrat Gov. Steve Sisolak can’t say he wasn’t warned. A…
In non-right-to-work states the total population of people in their peak-earning-years fell over the past decade from 44.20 million to 40.93 million.
Here is the September 2020 National Right to Work Newsletter Summary
IAFF Union Czar Faces Investigation For Misusing Millions in Workers’ Dues Mr. Schaitberger has long faced accusations of using workers’ forced-dues money for his personal benefit. ...
Find a link to the August 2020 National Right to Work Newsletter here.
Joe Biden Threatens U.S. Communities’ Safety -- And this year U.S. presidential challenger Joe Biden, now favored to win in November according to most polls, is backing an even more expansive scheme to enhance the power of government union bosses in all 50 states...