Big Labor Scare Tactics
Union bosses have sent out mailers in Oregon claiming that their votes in the upcoming election will not be secret. “Your voting history is a matter of public…
Union bosses have sent out mailers in Oregon claiming that their votes in the upcoming election will not be secret. “Your voting history is a matter of public…
For four years, the Obama Administration has carried big labor’s water and now we are seeing how the union bosses are giving thanks. The Daily Beast…
An investigation into the visitor logs of the White House show that union bosses and lobbyists have visited the White House 500. No surprise there — the Obama Administration has done everything they can to prop up the union bosses and things promise…
From Winston & Strawn: Former officers of the UFCW Local 348-S in New York City were sentenced after being found guilty of racketeering, extortion, money laundering conspiracy, and witness tampering, stemming from their receipt of more than $2.5 million in…
Shikha Dalmia of Reason looks at big labor's effort keep Michigan a second rate economic state through a series of referendums on the statewide ballot next month: We've seen Gov. Scott Walker's battle in Wisconsin and the Chicago Teachers Union strike next door. Now in Michigan comes another Midwestern political showdown that will carry enormous implications for the role of unions in American life. [media-credit name=" " align="alignright" width="300"][/media-credit]The Michigan Supreme Court recently approved the placement of a proposed constitutional amendment on the November ballot. If passed by voters, the so-called Protect Our Jobs amendment would give public-employee unions a potent new tool to challenge any laws—past, present or future—that limit their benefits or collective-bargaining powers. It would also bar Michigan from becoming a right-to-work state in which mandatory union dues are not a condition of employment. The budget implications are dire. Michigan public unions began pushing the initiative last year, shortly after Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder—facing a $2 billion fiscal hole—capped public spending on public-employee health benefits at 80% of total costs. This spring, national labor unions joined the amendment effort after failing to prevent Indiana from becoming a right-to-work state. Bob King of the United Auto Workers said that Michigan's initiative would "send a message" to other states tempted to follow Indiana's example. The UAW, along with allies in the AFL-CIO and the Teamsters, poured $8 million into gathering 554,000 signatures—some 200,000 more than needed—to put Protect Our Jobs on the Michigan ballot.
[media-credit name=" " align="alignright" width="218"][/media-credit]The Free Beacon has discovered that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) owes at least $8 million to a bank owned by one of the largest unions in the country, according to the committee’s most recent financial report. The DNC initiated an $8 million loan with the Amalgamated Bank of New York on Aug. 10, the report shows, accounting for the majority of the committee’s overall debt of $11 million. Amalgamated Bank, often described as “America’s Labor Bank,” is a national entity, the majority of which is owned by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), a politically active union with deep ties to the Democratic Party. The SEIU is also involved with the Democracy Alliance, a shadowy group of wealthy left-wing donors founded by billionaire investor George Soros. The bank announced in an August press release that the DNC had “moved its primary banking relationship” to Amalgamated Bank, which would handle the committee’s “day-to-day banking needs.” The DNC had previously done most of its banking with Bank of America, which helped finance the Democratic convention in Charlotte. DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz hailed the transition to Amalgamated Bank, and noted the longstanding political and financial ties between the two organizations.
What’s behind the Chicago teacher’s strike? Sure money is a big part. But, as the Christian Science Monitor notes, accountability is also a factor. “A quarter of public school students still fail to graduate from high school – and those who…
The August 2012 issue of The National Right to Work Committee Newsletter is available for download for your convenience to read and share. It is…
Nearly 30,000 public school teachers and support staff represented by the Chicago Teachers Union have vowed to walk off the job starting at 12:01 a.m. on Monday if an impasse in contract talks with the city is not broken. The…