Right to Work Poised to Gain Senate Strength

Right to Work Poised to Gain Senate Strength

One of the Survey 2010's top target states is Nevada, where Big Labor Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (pictured at a union event) is now running neck and neck with pro-Right to Work challenger Sharron Angle. Image Credit: USW-Canada Survey Results in, Committee Members Put Heat on the Candidates (Source: October 2010 NRTWC Newsletter) With the results of the National Right to Work Committee's federal Survey 2010 now in, Committee members from coast to coast keep turning up the heat on U.S. Senate and House candidates to publicly pledge 100% support for the Right to Work. Committee members and supporters who receive the Newsletter through the U.S. Postal Service can find out whether and how their candidates responded to the Right to Work survey by consulting the Survey 2010 results roster enclosed with this month's issue. Pro-Right to Work Americans who have not yet received their Survey 2010 results may obtain a copy by contacting the Committee by e-mail -- Members@NRTW.org  -- or by dialing 1-800-325-7892. By calling, writing, and visiting their candidates and urging them to declare themselves in opposition to forced unionism, Committee members are making forced unionism and the Right to Work red-hot issues in state after state this year. Right to Work Activity Key to Stopping Big Labor At this writing, just a few weeks remain until Election Day. And reports from a wide array of pollsters and pundits indicate that the caucus of politicians who support Big Labor's agenda on forced-unionism issues such as federally-mandated "card checks" will shrink significantly after voters go to the polls.

AFL-CIO Blinks

AFL-CIO Blinks

During the health care debate, the union bosses of the AFl-CIO made bold threats to House Democrats -- vote against ObamaCare and we will sit on our hands during your re-election battle.  As Miss Emily Letella on Saturday Night Live used to say, "Nevermind." With many of their congressional water carriers struggling for their political lives, the AFL-CIO backed of their threat putting power before principle. The Hill reports: The AFL-CIO released its first round of mailers in support of endangered Democrats this week. In it, the union sought to bolster Rep. Zack Space’s (D-Ohio) campaign with literature attacking his Republican opponent. Space was the lone Democrat from Ohio’s congressional delegation to vote against the healthcare bill, and his position enraged labor groups. But he’s not the only lawmaker who voted against the legislation to see union support trickle back his way.


FEC "legitimizes" SEIU's latest PAC scheme

  NRTW President Mark Mix Op-Ed in the Washington Examiner (read full article, click here): Imagine the outcry if McDonalds executives demanded that franchise owners collect “voluntary” contributions totaling $25,000 for the company’s Political Action Committee (PAC) from employees at every restaurant. What if the fast food titan’s headquarters followed up with a threat - pay us, or face a $37,500 fine? Do you think this heavy-handed scheme would raise a few eyebrows at the Federal Election Commission (FEC)? Replace “McDonalds” with “SEIU” in that description and you’ve got a pretty good idea of Big Labor’s latest political fundraising strategy. To meet their ambitious fundraising targets, Service Employees International Union bosses are now threatening to fine any local affiliate that doesn’t meet its PAC contribution requirements.

FEC "legitimizes" SEIU's latest PAC scheme

FEC "legitimizes" SEIU's latest PAC scheme

  NRTW President Mark Mix Op-Ed in the Washington Examiner (read full article, click here): Imagine the outcry if McDonalds executives demanded that franchise owners collect “voluntary” contributions totaling $25,000 for the company’s Political Action Committee (PAC) from employees at every restaurant. What if the fast food titan’s headquarters followed up with a threat - pay us, or face a $37,500 fine? Do you think this heavy-handed scheme would raise a few eyebrows at the Federal Election Commission (FEC)? Replace “McDonalds” with “SEIU” in that description and you’ve got a pretty good idea of Big Labor’s latest political fundraising strategy. To meet their ambitious fundraising targets, Service Employees International Union bosses are now threatening to fine any local affiliate that doesn’t meet its PAC contribution requirements.