UAW Union Bosses File Ludicrous NLRB Complaint Against Elon Musk and Donald Trump
UAW Union Bosses File Ludicrous NLRB Complaint Against Elon Musk and Donald Trump
U.S. Representative Eric Burlison gives a straightforward assessment of Forced Unionism Job Growth and Opportunities versus Right to Work and individual economic freedom during a recent congressional hearing.
Missouri Residents Deserve Right to Work Freedom — End Compulsory Union Fees in Missouri!
Rep. Burlison’s exact quote: “My state of Missouri is a closed union or forced union shop state. Yet, we’re surrounded by right to work states. And you know what I hear every day? The sucking sound of jobs leaving the state of Missouri and going into states where workers have economic freedom.”
Freedom works and Right to Work returns the freedom to choose back into the hands employees.
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UAW Union Bosses File Ludicrous NLRB Complaint Against Elon Musk and Donald Trump
Right To Work President Mark Mix on OAN: Kamala Harris Would End 'Right to Work' Laws in Every State
Mark Mix Joins Jake Smith on Delmarva Live to Discuss the Impact the Right to Work Issue Will Make This November