‘Every Single Project’ Is ‘Going to be Union’
Biden/Harris Boxes Out Union-Free Hardhats From Public Works
After carrying Big Labor’s water from the moment he ascended to the White House, the president is preparing to reap the benefit. The National Education Association (NEA) the far-left wing and country’s biggest union is already gearing up to re-elect the President:
NEA’s political action committee approved a recommendation Thursday to support Obama’s reelection bid. The union’s representative assembly will meet in Chicago in July to vote on the PAC’s recommendation.
The NEA will certainly add another $100 million toward the billion dollar big labor political effort in 2012.
Biden/Harris Boxes Out Union-Free Hardhats From Public Works
While occupying the RNC podium this summer as a self-styled advocate for workers, Sean O’Brien actually has a long track record of bullying workers, union or union free, who stand in his way
Even with filibuster-proof Big Labor Democrat control over the Senate, the Obama-Biden Administration couldn’t ram through mandatory “cards-only” unionization legislation. But Joe Biden now aims to achieve similar ends by bureaucratic fiat!