Illinois Forcing Mom Into Union Because She Cares for Her Son

(Illinois)A deal struck by Big Labor bosses and Illinois Gov. Ron Blogovich made this mom and thousands like her political pawns.   Listen to WLS radio’s interview of The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation client and Big Labor ‘ political pawn’ Pam Harris.

Harris, who attends for her special needs son, receives a small stipend from the state will now be forced to give SEIU 880 union bosses a chunk of her stipend as result of Blogo’s deal.

She provides another example of a growing list of people being forced against their will into unions by the tens of thousands under a scheme that was in part devised by ACORN and an SEIU lawyer and current-NLRB Board member Craig Becker.

Under a deal that former Gov. Ron Blogovich  signed, Harris is essentially forced into  a bargaining unit of one and she is required to pay union dues.  This is nothing more than another shameless assault on personal liberty by feckless politicians who are more concerned with payback to Big Labor bosses than citizens’ rights. Click the triangle on the bar following to hear her interview.

“Why is the state of Illinois forcing Pam Harris to unionize…herself? All she wants to do is take care of her special needs son, and recieve funds from the state for assistance, but with those funds comes the requirement to join a union? Is that a fair decision? Should all home-care providers be forced to be a part of the SEIU? Pam Harris spoke with Cisco Cotto about all these things – [go to to] download the podcast to hear her story.”

Visit the The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation’s website for more information regarding its multiple cases filed on behalf home-care and childcare across the country.

Illinois forcing Pam Harris to unionize…herself?  All she wants to do is take care of her special needs son, and recieve funds from the state for assistance, but with those funds comes the requirement to join a union?  Is that a fair decision?  Should all home-care providers be forced to be a part of the SEIU?  Pam Harris spoke with Cisco Cotto about all these things – download the podcast to hear her story.