Right to Work Sponsorship at All-Time High
More members of Congress than ever before are cosponsors of federal legislation to repeal forced union dues.
We have warned readers about the pending threat of the lame duck session that will occur between Election Day and Christmas. Big Labor is making a big push to enact their legislative schemes during this time — especially if the ruling party losses control of Congress.
In addition to the Card Check Forced Unionism bill — which union bosses will try to revive during the session — many observers believe the union pension bailout bill will be on agenda, as well.
More members of Congress than ever before are cosponsors of federal legislation to repeal forced union dues.
UFW union officials gained power through “card check” and denied Porpiglia Farms workers secret ballot vote, now stonewalling employee request for union removal
Joe Biden is the most pro-forced dues President yet — but a President Harris could surpass him! (Credit: Facebook / TIME)…