Decision Stirs Public – – The Supreme Court’s decision in the Union Pacific Railroad case that the Railway Labor Act overrides conflicting State Right to Work laws has stirred up an apparent wave of concern over the country, and many have written or called the National Right to Work Committee asking what can be done to restore individual rights and state sovereignty in labor-management matters.
DANGER GREATER THAN EVER – – The Supreme Court’s ruling has warned all who believe compulsory unionism threatens American democracy that they must be willing to join in a determined fight of major proportions if they expect to combat it.
NEW BILL TO DESTROY RIGHT TO WORK – –Freshman Congressman John Dingell of Michigan has thrown another bill into the House hopper intended to kill all state right to work laws by repealing Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act, which specifically declares that states may bar compulsory unionism, despite the federal law’s permission of it.
ONLY 53 GUILTY – – The Criminal Division of the Justice Department has reported the conviction of 53 labor officials in 1955, about double the number convicted in 1954.
The Supreme Court’s Decision – – An Analysis of the Decision of the Case of Railway Employees’ Dept. A.F. of L.v. Hanson, Et Al. by Gall, Lane, and Howe, General Counsel, National Right to Work Committee
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM LOOMS AS AN ISSUE – – Union leaders fighting so desperately to force all American workers to join their unions or go without work are becoming increasingly worried at the growing attention being focused on such compulsion by Americans who are prohibited by their religious beliefs from joining a union.
84 MORE WORKERS SACRIFICED – – There’s been a lot written and talked about civil rights and individual liberties in America in the past few months.