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There is No Excuse for Forced Unionism

There is No Excuse for Forced Unionism

Award-Winning Teacher Could Likely Have Earned More Without a Union Professor Tang rejected Harvard law professor and former union lawyer Ben Sachs’s far-fetched assumption that the fact that some employees benefit economically from being subject to union monopoly control somehow implies that all employees benefit. To illustrate the point, Mr. Tang cited the case of Sean McComb, a “Baltimore English teacher who was named National Teacher of the Year in 2014” at the age of 30.

Big Labor Puppet Politicians Voted to Wipe Out State Right to Work Laws

Big Labor Puppet Politicians Voted to Wipe Out State Right to Work Laws

Pelosi and the rest of Big Labor’s allies in Congress for passing H.R. 2474, the so-called “PRO Act,” which would wipe out all 27 state Right to Work laws, let Big Labor organize unions without a secret ballot vote, and impose a laundry list of other union boss power grabs. Mr. Mix stated, “This was a vote to let the union bosses put their hands back in workers’ pockets. Every member of Congress who voted for this abomination should be ashamed of themselves.” “80% of Americans agree it is just plain wrong to force workers to pay union dues or ‘fees’ just to get or keep a job. But these politicians shamelessly kowtowed to the demands of the union bosses who fund their campaigns with forced-dues dollars,” Mr. Mix continued. “Right to work supporters will remember and will hold Big Labor’s puppet politicians accountable.”