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Forced-Unionism Expansion, by Hook or Crook

Forced-Unionism Expansion, by Hook or Crook

Big Labor 'Organizing' Strategy Reliant on Washington, D.C. (Source: May 2010 NRTWC Newsletter) Nationwide unemployment hovers near 10%.  (U.S. DOL reports unemployment rate of 9.9% for April 2010) Across America today, there is widespread hardship resulting from most businesses' lingering inability to hire more workers profitably even as the country emerges from the 2008-2009 recession. What is the response of Big Labor politicians in Washington, D.C.? Sadly, they appear determined to make matters worse. Last month, union-label U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) admitted to the Hill, a D.C. Beltway publication, that she and other members of her chamber's Democratic majority were working behind the scenes to concoct an "alternative" version of the mislabeled "Employee Free Choice Act" for floor action this year. In its current form, this legislation (S.560/H.R.1409) is designed to help union bosses sharply increase the share of all private-sector workers who are under union monopoly control by effectively ending secret-ballot elections in union organizing campaigns. However, the National Right to Work Committee and its allies have mobilized massive public opposition to the measure, greatly lowering its prospects for passage in its current form. Monopoly Unionism Negatively Correlated With Private-Sector Job Growth In response, as Ms. McCaskill recently acknowledged, Big Labor politicians and union lobbyists are now concocting new legislation designed to accomplish the same objective through somewhat different means.

Big Labor's Grip on Financial Reform

Big Labor's Grip on Financial Reform

  There isn't a bill coming out of the Senate nowadays that doesn't contain a special interest provision aimed at empowering the labor union bosses.  The financial reform legislation is no exception.  Tucked inside the bill -- which a handful of Republicans are considering supporting -- is a provision that would give labor activists unprecedented power. takes a look at the provisions which includes: Under the American Financial Stability Act of 2010 (S 3217), several provisions tucked away in the bill will give labor bosses unprecedented powers that, especially if abused, could threaten the very structure of our free market system.

Big Labor's Grip on Financial Reform

Big Labor's Grip on Financial Reform

  There isn't a bill coming out of the Senate nowadays that doesn't contain a special interest provision aimed at empowering the labor union bosses.  The financial reform legislation is no exception.  Tucked inside the bill -- which a handful of Republicans are considering supporting -- is a provision that would give labor activists unprecedented power. takes a look at the provisions which includes: Under the American Financial Stability Act of 2010 (S 3217), several provisions tucked away in the bill will give labor bosses unprecedented powers that, especially if abused, could threaten the very structure of our free market system.

Union Only Contracts: Fewer Bidders = Higher Costs For Taxpayers

Union Only Contracts: Fewer Bidders = Higher Costs For Taxpayers

White House Federal-Contract Policy Rewards Big Labor Patrons (Source: May 2010 NRTWC Newsletter) Union-free construction workers, their employers, and taxpayers were all dealt fresh blows last month as President Barack Obama's Administration implemented an executive order promoting union-only "project labor agreements" (PLAs) on federally funded public works. On April 13, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Council published a "final rule" implementing Executive Order 13502, issued by the President in February 2009. "E.O.13502 itself and the final rule both pressure federal agencies to acquiesce to PLAs on all large public works," said National Right to Work Committee President Mark Mix. "Experience indicates federal bureaucrats will not resist." "That means, until further notice, to participate in public works using $25 million or more in federal funds, nonunion companies will have to consent to impose union monopoly bargaining on their employees and hire new workers through discriminatory union hiring halls. "Independent workers who already have their own retirement funds will nevertheless be forced to contribute to Big Labor-manipulated pension funds. "Rather than compromise the freedom of their employees and the efficiency of their operations, most independent construction firms will, in all probability, simply refuse to submit bids on federal projects. "And sharply reducing the number of bidders will surely jack up taxpayers' bills. The nonpartisan, Boston-based Beacon Hill Institute estimates that construction costs will be inflated by at least 12% to 18% on every project that uses a PLA as a result of E.O.13502." Administration Knows PLAs Will Surely Reduce Number Of Bidders on Public Works "The Obama Administration knows full well that its pro-PLA policy is extremely likely to reduce the number of bidders on public works," Mr. Mix continued.