Can We Get Specter Back?
Republican Sen. Arlen Specter (PA) was the only member of his party to support a motion to bring the Card Check Scam Bill to the Senate floor. Such a motion requires 60 votes. With Pro-Big Labor Democrats gaining even more…
Republican Sen. Arlen Specter (PA) was the only member of his party to support a motion to bring the Card Check Scam Bill to the Senate floor. Such a motion requires 60 votes. With Pro-Big Labor Democrats gaining even more…
The Advertiser-Tribune of Ohio doesn’t like Big Labor’s effort to eliminate the secret ballot election for workers. In a policy editorial entitled “Preserve Freedom of Secret Ballots,” the paper joins other editorial boards in protesting efforts to enact the Card…
The controversial Card Check Scam Bill is causing a “quandary” for Barack Obama, according to his hometown newspaper, the Chicago Tribune. Calling the bill one of the “thorniest issues his administration will face,” Obama is being squeezed between his union…
President Obama has yet to been sworn in but that hasn’t stopped Big Labor lobbyists from pushing their legislative agenda. Working with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Associations of Manufacturers, Big Labor is working on a stimulus…
Tom Ryan, a Democrat Congressman from Ohio, has a secret plan to help the ailing U.S. auto industry — enact the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill and unionize Honda and Toyota whose plants are located in Right to Work…
How is Big Labor selling the Card Check Scam Bill? Obfuscation.
Newspapers from across the nation continue to urge Congress to fight the Big Labor power grab known as the Card Check Scam Bill. The Augusta Chronicle believes that a Pro-Big Labor Senate with a 60 vote super-majority should send shivers…
The actions of the American Federation of Musicians in California hit a sour note with seven nonmember musicians who were blacklisted by the union. They have filed a lawsuit in federal court with the help of the National Right to…
In an exclusive interview with the Washington Times, the government-affairs director of the AFL-CIO said he is certain that organized labor’s top priority — the Card Check Scam Bill — will pass Congress and be signed by President Barack…